What to do in A Day

Ancient Indian beliefs have stated 4 things that a person should do in a day to become a productive human being.

Living in harmony with oneself and with the environment is a deep existing wish that we all possess within ourselves. Nature has set 4 rules that help us with the same.

If you follow these 4 rules of nature, which is also supported by yoga and mental health sciences, you will feel the true essence of being human.

Consergy has simplified these effective rules for you. Read on,


If you have taken birth on this Earth as a human being, you are blessed with a power that is superior to all other creatures on the planet.

“With great power comes great responsibility.” You must be familiar with these words of Uncle Ben to Peter Parker!

Every day you need to fulfill your duty towards your family, friends, work, neighborhood, and environment. You have the social responsibility of taking care of them. You also have a duty of keeping people around you safe both mentally and physically. Abusing or mistreating someone is not your right.

You have a duty towards your work. You cannot do something just because you don’t like it. You are working for the benefit of the community, not just for you alone as an individual.

Understand what your responsibilities are, as an individual and as a member of the society, country, and environment, and do the needful.


Unlike other creatures, we humans have a responsibility for earning the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the shelter we live in.

You need to earn with integrity and honesty. Even if you do not go out to work, you have the responsibility of doing the household work to earn your portion of all the facilities.

If you are a child, you have the responsibility to study properly and pay back with good behavior and knowledge to your parents and later on to the country.

Earning is not just about earning money, it’s also about earning respect in other people’s hearts. Be honest in your work and behavior and see how people will respect you.


Expressing your emotions is another rule that nature motivates us to inculcate.

You might have often heard people saying, “Don’t cry! You would seem weak…… Don’t smile much! You might seem easy going.” That’s the negative restriction that has been implemented upon you since a very young age.

Expressing your happiness, sorrow, love, and possessiveness is a medium of opening to yourself. It is the very need for being a human.

You should always express what you are feeling without causing harm or discomfort to others.

If you express yourself well, you will understand yourself better and would get angry less. This will bring you inner peace and satisfaction.

Be Selfless

Human beings are infamous for being selfish and inconsiderate. Let’s not be so!

We are sure, you are generous and selfless for your loved ones. But, put a little effort towards others too.

Perform random acts of kindness through your words, actions, or even smiles. Gradually you will notice that it has become your nature.

Don’t judge people, instead, try putting yourself into their shoes and understand their doings and decisions.

Help others in small ways. Listen more and talk less. This will not only make you likable but also give you a better understanding of others and yourself.

Implement these 4 rules in a day and see how easily your life becomes more meaningful. Consciously bring your efforts every day and each day you will experience peace and joy from within.

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