Synonyms with the letter P

Synonyms with the letter P

Welcome to our enlightening journey through the English language. In this blog, we delve into the world of ‘synonyms’, focusing on words that start with the letter P. From ‘Profound’ to ‘Permission’, we’ve got you covered!

The Oxford Dictionary defines a synonym as, “​a word or expression that has the same or nearly the same meaning as another in the same language”.

Synonym noun


We have got some synonyms with the letter A for you guys. Learn and Have fun!

  • Profound – intense
  • Permanent – enduring
  • Prohibit – forbid
  • Perfect – flawless
  • Prudent – wise
  • Peculiar – weird, bizarre   
  • Prominent – eminent
  • Patience – tolerance
  • Prodigal – extravagant
  • Painstaking – meticulous
  • Prompt – punctual
  • Preserve – uphold
  • Penury – poverty
  • Premeditated – planned
  • Prosperous – successful
  • Premature – early
  • Prejudice – partiality, bias
  • Prejudiced – biased
  • Possible – feasible
  • Precious – cherished, valuable
  • Paradox – contradiction
  • Portion – part
  • Palatable – tasty, delicious
  • Polite – gracious
  • Proper – suitable, right
  • Poor – destitute
  • Paramount – supreme
  • Pliable – supple
  • Poor – indigent
  • Plentiful – ample
  • Prosperity – affluence
  • Push – shove
  • Punishment – penalty
  • Proud – arrogant
  • Popular – famous
  • Perpetual – eternal
  • Profit – gain
  • Persuade – convince
  • Previous – former
  • Plausible – believable
  • Proficient – skilled
  • Provide – supply, furnish
  • Prevent – prohibit
  • Prosper – thrive
  • Prevalent – customary
  • Prediction – forecast
  • Pretty – lovely, beautiful
  • Permission – allowable, acceptable

Stay attuned to learn more!

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