How to Stay Fit Positively at Home?

2020 has brought rapid, unexpected changes in our lives. Staying fit during this pandemic was a challenge that we all had to face. Staying fit positively means keeping both your mental and physical health under check.

Here are some workout tips that would help you achieve this goal.

Bring a virtual buddy

Doesn’t that sound fantastic! Call a friend after you finish reading this entire article and ask if he/she wants to be your virtual home gym partner. It’s always better to have a friend by your side while going to a gym. You both can encourage each other, keeping the other motivated to perform better. You won’t even skip the workout sessions because there will be someone to check your activeness. It would be amusing to look at your friend working out through a screen in between.


Always start your workouts with warm-ups. They help to keep you away from injury. Stretching is one of the best ways to warm up. It releases the stress from your muscles and enables you to relax them. When you warm-up, you are awakening your flesh for a sufficient extended workout. It makes your muscles more flexible, filling them with blood and oxygen in a proper amount. If you don’t warm-up, your muscles will undergo less tension and pain.

Be consistent

When you start a new activity or habit, the most crucial factor is to maintain consistency. Yes, you always start the event but when it comes to doing it every day, there occurs a question of “Can I skip only for today?” This attitude sometimes leads to leaving the decided activity halfway. Create a ritual around it, and you will notice that working out is no different than any other events. The idea is to get your mind and body so used to including a workout in your morning routine (or whatever time of day you like to work out), so you no longer have to think about it—it just comes naturally to you.

Set a timer

Setting a timer motivates you with the thought “just a few minutes more”! This helps you to get over the boredom of constant workout. It keeps you active throughout the exercise. There are several workout timer applications available on the internet. You can either use them or just use your phone seconds timer to keep a time track of the workouts you do. Keeping track of time also boosts up your energy to perform better.

Keep a track

Always keep track of your improvements. This motivates you to do better. Research has

Shown that when one holds a workout journal, the speed of losing weight increases as the person is continuously motivated. It has been observed that people who do the same workouts each week, with the same amount of weight do not show much progress.

A workout journal, however, can help you switch up your strength training programs. This will keep your muscles in a constant state of being challenged.

The three routine

Experts say that focusing on any three exercises in a week helps to give better results. However, the body adapts to exercise quite easily, to whatever workouts you are consistently performing. So if you continually do the same weights and the same exercises for more than a week, the body will no longer elicit a response to change. The muscles will get used to the pressure; hence, not result in getting more robust.

Use tape measurements

This straightforward old-school way to track your fitness progress, helps you understand the patterns well. It is always better to use a fabric tape measure to record circumference measurements around different parts of your body, namely your shoulders, chest, waist, hips, legs, and arms. Take the measurements only after 4 weeks of self-training so that you can get a little happier than you think!

Keep your diet in check

After doing all the above mentioned, if you don’t pay attention to your eating habits, then there won’t be any visible difference. This doesn’t mean you need to starve yourself, just eat right. To reach your fitness resolutions, you have to complement exercise with a healthy diet. Experts advise to find alternatives to cravings and drinking a lot of water so that you’re not confusing your thirst with hunger. Drinking water also helps in maintaining the blood circulation and regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints. It is highly recommended by experts to take water before, during and after working out. It helps transport nutrients to give you energy and keep you healthy. The performance of the body reduces if the intake of water is less.

Take short breaks from work

As you are currently following WFH, you can also use this method of being a consistent workout person. Taking minor breaks from your work schedule to stretch your stiff muscles will always play an active role in staying fit at home. This also acts as an immediate booster keeping you positive and motivated to perform better.


Along with all the suggestions listed above, you should make conscious breathing a routine. This helps to maintain peace and tranquillity within yourself. Breathing exercises help you to keep in touch with your emotions, improving blood circulation. Constant breathing exercises lead to better energy levels and reduce inflammation throughout the body. It also acts as a natural painkiller.

Follow these 10 useful steps to remain fit and healthy during the pandemic era. These will improve your energy levels along with increasing your immunity. Stay fit! Stay positive! Stay safe!

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