Can cancer be cured?

Can cancer be cured?

Since ages, we are finding answers to this question! Studies have shown that cancer can be prevented,  not cured. Yes, many people have overcome this dangerous disease, but there is always a slight chance of getting it again.

When we look into the number of chemotherapy sessions, drips and injections, we empathise with the pain one undergoes. Recent studies have come up with some extreme preventive measures to keep this deadly disease away from every human being.

So, here are some preventive measures for cancer.

Quit drinking

American Cancer Society recently said that cutting alcohol entirely from your diet is the best way for cancer reduction and preservation. It has been proven that people who do not consume alcohol at all and don’t have a history of cancer in the family have little chances of getting cancer as compared to the ones who intake alcohol. The society, earlier, had said that one drink a day for women and two drinks a day for men is fine. But, now it is, no drink at all, be it men or women!

Exercise daily

Experts have advised that one must undertake intense physical activities for 75-100 minutes per week and 150-300 minutes of moderate physical activities per week. Children should get at least one hour of such physical activities.

This physical activity,along with proper food habits will ensure that a person remains cancer-free. Also, remember to be consistent. It is always necessary to be consistent in these physical activities. Bringing new targets will increase the fun in activities.

Protect your skin from sun rays

Skin cancer is currently on the lead in the cancer list. The harmful rays of the Sun are one of the primary reasons for the same. Pollution adds to the problem. Before stepping out in the Sun, apply sunscreen with SPF 30 or more to prevent the skin from further damage. Remember, it’s not just your face that you need to protect; it is also all the exposed parts of your body. ACS has, in one of their researches, come out with the advice that one must cover themselves completely before going out in the Sun. Also remember, clothes only include your skin, sunscreens and sunscreen lotions are required to protect your skin from the harmful rays of the Sun. Be it summer, winter or rainy seasons, wear sunscreen as a preventive measure.

Eat healthy

Maintaining a proper weight and a healthy body is a must to stay away from cancer. Scientists are finding more connections with pressure and disease. It has been observed that people with higher caloric intakes have greater chances of getting affected by cancer as compared to the ones who maintain proper body weight. To lower your cancer risk, vegetables and whole grains should be on your menu, you and processed and red meat should be off. Green leafy vegetables and colourful fruits help in preventing you from cancer.

Avoid risks

Many strains of the human papillomavirus, also known as HPV, are spread through skin to skin contact during vaginal, anal and oral sex. High-risk strains of HPV have increasingly been found to cause many types of cancer. The Hepatitis B virus (HBV) can also be spread from person to person through unprotected sex. It can cause long-term liver infections that can increase a person’s chance of developing liver cancer.

Avoid birth control pills

Experts advise women to avoid birth control pills to prevent them from the risks of breast cancer. The risks reduce within immediate stoppage. They have an advantage of stopping unwanted pregnancies and sometimes, even the dangers of ovarian cyst. But, it has been observed that women who take birth control pills have higher chances of getting breast cancer.

Family history

If cancer runs in the family history, there are far higher chances of getting it. If there is a history of a particular type of cancer, ensure that you take the necessary precautions. A disease that was found in your ancestors doesn’t need to be found in you. Cancer cells can take another form and develop in your body. It is always suggested to take precautions beforehand only.

Don’t forget screening

If there is a family history of cancer, then you must go for a screening process. It does not prevent disease, but it helps find cancer at a very early stage. The slightest doubt should be cleared. Self-observation plays a more significant role in this. You should note any unusual change you observe in your body and do visit a doctor to diagnose it as soon as possible. Experts say that one should get a full-body diagnosis at the age of 40 to ensure a healthy and fit physical growth. Women are advised to undergo the same diagnosis around the age of 30too prevent dangers associated with cancer or other diseases.

Get plenty of rest

The one thing that every doctor and expert advice is to take the right amount of rest to stay away from neglected diseases and health issues. Children under the age of 16 and adults above the age of 35 are advised to take rest even in the afternoon. Experts recommend a minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep to all.

Stay stress-free

Stress is the root cause of all the significant problems and diseases in our lives. Cancer cells are also prone to anxiety. Chronic stress has been linked to many health issues, including cancer, and poorer treatment outcomes. It has been observed that when diagnosed with cancer if one takes too much stress, it becomes difficult for the person to recover from it. Keeping calm and mindful helps you to stay away from a lot of problems and diseases including cancer.

Prevention is always better than cure. Do follow the above instructions to lead a better cancer-free life. Stay fit! Stay safe

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