Antonyms with the letter H

Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings, such as hot and cold, day and night, or happy and sad. Antonyms can help you express contrast, show diversity, or change the direction of your writing. In this blog post, you will learn about antonyms with the letter H and see some examples of how to use them in sentences.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, an antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word.

Antonym noun


  • Handy – inconvenient
  • High – low
  • Happy – unhappy
  • Haste – delay
  • Huge – tiny
  • Hindrance – assistance
  • Happiness – misery
  • Habitual – occasional
  • Harmony – disagreement
  • Hairless – hairy
  • Humane – cruel
  • Half-hearted – enthusiastic
  • Hide – reveal
  • Halting – confident
  • Haughty – modest
  • Hapless – lucky
  • Hostile – friendly
  • Hard – soft
  • Hardship – ease
  • Hazardous – safe
  • Humorous – serious
  • Hatred – love
  • Humiliation – gratification
  • Hospitable – inhospitable
  • Hardworking – lazy
  • Hardy – weak
  • Harmful – harmless
  • Harsh – soft
  • Healthy – unhealthy
  • Honour – dishonour
  • Hope – despair
  • Humble – arrogant
  • Honest – dishonest

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Antonyms with the letter I

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