How to look younger than your age

Looking young and staying healthy throughout is every person’s dream. Looking young does not have an instant remedy, it is a process.

If you feel younger, you will definitely look younger. You might have noticed that elderly people who say, “Abhi to me jawan hu (I’m still young)” have rich glowing skin and a healthy structure. On the other hand, the ones who are waiting for their departure look dull and weak. This is because of what they feel about themselves.

Looking younger needs to be felt first and the results will automatically follow. Here are a few tips to feel and reflect young and energetic.

Hydrate! Hydrate! Hydrate!

If your skin is well hydrated, it’s elasticity will improve. This prevents the appearance of fine lines, spots and wrinkles. Water will help you to maintain a healthy body, keeping its functions smooth.

Keep a check on your BMI

Overweight loosens the skin making you look older. Maintaining a healthy weight will not only keep you away from the foreseen diseases but also make you look younger.

Exercise daily

Take out some time from your schedule for daily workouts. This has to go beyond household work. Stretching is highly beneficial for maintaining the youthfulness of your structure. Facial exercises will help you tighten your skin to your facial frame.

Inculcate these basics in your life and enjoy the visible benefits of being young.

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